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We were asked to add a list of important characters in the world as a reminder of who's who. Please find our list of important characters below.


If you'd like to search for a character, they are in alphabetical order by real name (unless their real name hasn't been mentioned) and are in the group they are associated with. If you're on a PC, you can search their name by pressing control + F. On a Mac, you can press command + F.


This list is a work in progress. As we write more books, we'll add more important characters.


Warning: This list could will contain spoilers if you haven't read all the books. Please be aware of this.

The Kings of Men MC


Aaron Arthur (King)

Main Book: King’s Undercover Fed (Kings of Men MC #6)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series, The Promise, Bent Not Broken.

Partner: Dallas Mickleson.

Who is he? President of the Kings of Men motorcycle club.

Family: Grant Arthur (little brother), Hunter Tanner (son), Forrest Brassard (son).


Andrew Willoughby (Rogue)

Main Book: King’s Rogue novella (Kings of Men MC #1.5)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: Joshua Hebb

Who is he? A member of the Kings of Men MC. He’s a former marine.


Ashton Steel (Casper)

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series & Yes, Sir.

Partner: N/A

Who is he? He’s a member in the Kings of Men MC and the club manager of Black Out. He was the member who vouched for Bishop to be a prospect.



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: N/A

Who is he? He’s an asshole who’s been giving Hunter trouble without King knowing about it.



Main Book: N/A.

Seen in: Mentioned in the Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: N/A

Who is he? Former vice-president of the Kings of Men MC. Went to prison for petty theft, stayed in there after stabbing some goon.


Charley Hughes

Main Book: King’s Criminals (The Kings of Men MC #3)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Colton Hebb (Scar)

Who is he? Member of the Kings of Men MC. His Nonno (grandfather) owns Manzi’s.

Family: Travis Hughes (little brother)


Colton Hebb (Scar)

Main Book: King’s Criminals (The Kings of Men MC #3)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: Charley Hughes

Who is he? He is a member of the Kings of Men MC. He went to prison for a stash of drugs that the cops found and he took the blame for them.

Family: Joshua Hebb (little brother)


Cooper Godlee (Abel)

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? He’s an occasional rider with the Kings of Men MC.


Geoffrey Potter (Jester)

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? He’s now the vice-president of the Kings of Men MC. He’s a quiet man who usually only talks when he has something important to say.

Family: Carolyn Potter (little sister).


Grant Arthur (Little King)

Main Book: King’s Killer (The Kings of Men MC #1)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: Kai Woodrow (Reaper)

Who is he?  Aaron Arthur (King)’s little brother and a physician’s assistant at Walnut Creek Hospital.

Family: Aaron Arthur (older brother), Hunter Tanner (nephew), & Forrest Brassard (nephew).


Hayden Paxton (Bishop)

Main Book: King’s Pawn (The Kings of Men MC #4)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Destiny Paxton (formerly Eugene Johnston)

Who is he? He’s a Kings of Men MC member who did a short stint in prison for punching an undercover cop. He’s half English, half American, but grew up in Manchester with his mother and brother until he was sixteen, before he (and his brother) was sent to live with his father in Miami.

Family: Jayce Paxton (big brother)


Hunter Tanner

Main Book: King’s Virtuous Son (Coming soon)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? He’s the son of King. Formerly a member of the Demons, Hunter became a Kings of Men MC prospect in King’s Killer. He was put into foster care as a baby and didn’t know his family until recently.

Family: Aaron Arthur (father), Grant Arthur (uncle), & Forrest Brassard (twin brother).


Kai Woodrow (Reaper)

Main Book: King’s Killer (The Kings of Men MC #1)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Grant Arthur.

Who is he? He’s a killer and member of the Kings of Men MC. He grew up in foster care and spent some time with the same foster family as Aaron and Grant.


Luke Booth (Barber)

Main Book: King’s Barber (Coming Soon)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series & briefly mentioned in The Assassin (The Killough Company #3).

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he? He’s a member of the Kings of Men MC and a shit stirrer who has fun messing with people.


Mason Riggs (Hound)

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series & Bent, Not Broken.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he? He’s King’s ‘messenger’ and a member of the Kings of Men MC. He is a brutal man who sends messages for King to make a point to other criminals.


Mortimer Wilson (Undertaker)

Main Book: King’s Undertaker (The Kings of Men MC #5)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Lee Bissett.

Who is he? He’s a member of the Kings of Men MC and one of King’s best friends. A mortician who disposes of bodies when he needs to.


Paris Deiters (PD)

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? A member of the Kings of Men MC and a tattoo artist.


Simon Mantle (Tinker)

Main Book: Secondary character

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Has a wife.

Who is he? A member of the Kings of Men MC who falls for the feds’ threats and brings Dallas Mickleson into the club, but he does warn King about him.


Travis Hughes (Eyes)

Main Book: King’s Eyes (The Kings of Men MC #2)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Mackenzie Byrnes

Who is he? He’s the brother of Charley and a stalker for King. It’s his job to watch potential threats and anyone King needs him to watch. His nonno (grandfather) owns Manzi’s.

Family: Charley Hughes (older brother)


Will Gardner (Rook)

Main Book: Coming soon

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC

Partner: Coming soon

Who is he? A member in the Kings of Men MC. He was seriously injured when a rival biker caused him and PD to crash as retaliation for a feud between the Kings and Demons.


Zachary Meehan (Fingers)

Main Book: Secondary character

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: N/A.

Who is he? He’s a failed prospect of the Kings of Men MC. He didn’t last long as he was a coward.




The Kings of Men MC
The Harlot Queens MC

The Harlot Queens MC


Millie May Wilcox

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Upcoming

Who is she? She’s a member of the Harlot Queens MC. Originally from Louisiana, Sapphira uses her to hurt and maim.


Principal Green

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: Upcoming

Who is she? She is the principal of New Gothenburg Prep and a member of the Harlot Queens MC.


Sapphira McKinnon (The Queen)

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Upcoming

Who is she? The president of the Harlot Queens MC, she is a ruthless woman who wants to take out the rival motorcycle clubs, especially the Demons, in which her ex-husband is the president of.


The Courtesan Hotel

The Courtesan Hotel series



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Assassin (The Killough Company #3)

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? He’s an escort at the Courtesan Hotel. He’s spent some time with Mancini previously. He has big doe eyes and a young, round face with unruly hair. He looked innocent, but he was anything but.


Darcy Winters

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series & The Assassin (The Killough Company #3).

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he? The son of Madam Winters, Darcy is the manager of the Courtesan Hotel. He’s an uptight man who dislikes a lot of people. He’s called The Ice Prince.

Family: Madam Natalia Winters (mother).



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: Love Me Sweet

Partner: N/A.

Who is She? A professional from the Courtesan. She was a mail order bride, but her husband wasn't kind.



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: King’s Undertaker (The Kings of Men MC #5)

Partner: N/A.

Who is she? She’s a high end escort who works at the Courtesan. She killed a Killough man after he got rough.


Kirby Locke (Bliss)

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series & The Assassin (The Killough Company #3).

Partner: Geoffrey Potter (Jester).

Who is he? He’s an escort at the Courtesan Hotel. He was previously the lover of an Italian mobster, Leonardo Folliero. Leo abused him and Gabriel Mancini killed Leo and took Kirby away, hiding him at the Courtesan as an escort. Kirby has been sleeping with Jester from the Kings of Men MC regularly since he started at the Courtesan Hotel.


Madam Natalia Winters

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series & The Assassin (The Killough Company #3)

Partner: Upcoming

Who is she? She is the madam of the Courtesan Hotel. Southern and polite, she’s also very well connected and has a lot of contacts. She’s not someone to mess with.

Family: Darcy Winters (son).



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Assassin (The Killough Company #3)

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he? He is an escort that works at the Courtesan Hotel. According to Mancini in The Assassin, “He’s one of the high earners. A popular top in the Courtesan. You’d need to book four months ahead to have an appointment with him. He’s rumored to have a ten inch cock.”

New Gothenburg police


Dallas Mickelson

Main Book: King's Undercover Fed (The Kings of Men MC #6)

Seen in: King's Undercover Fed & Yes, Sir.

Partner: Aaron Arthur (King)

Who is he? Dallas was an undercover ATF fed who was planted undercover in the Kings of Men MC. He fell in love with King while on the job. 



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: King's Eyes (The Kings of Men MC #2)

Partner: N/A.

Who is he? David was a cop who gave Travis hell in King's Eyes. He was interested in Mackenzie, the same man that Travis was interested in. He tried to get Travis back by going to the Kings' clubhouse.


Dorian Johnston

Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: King's Pawn (The Kings of Men MC #4)

Partner:  N/A

Who is he? He's a former police captain and the father of Destiny (Eugene Johnson). He abused his children and made an agreement with the Kings: leave Destiny alone and they wouldn't out his abuse. He has since become the Police Commissioner.

Family: Destiny (son) & Mabel Johnston (daughter).


Evan Slater

Main Book: Bent, Not Broken & Curved

Seen in: Bent, Not Broken, Curved, & Yes, Sir

Partner: Madden Polunin.

Who is he? He's a police officer who has anger issues, especially toward the lawyers who protect the Kings of Men MC. During the course of his book, he leaves the police force and creates his own PI business. His father was a serial killer who murdered Evan's mother.


Gareth O'Neill

Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Who is he?  He's a detective who hates the biker clubs. He is especially a misogynist and a real asshole.


Jack Hanlon

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he?  He's a good detective who tries to do everything right, but it's hard to do with O'Neill as his partner.


Jayce Paxton

Main Book: Yes, Sir

Seen in: Bent, Not Broken, Curved, King's Undercover Fed, & Yes, Sir.

Partner: River Demchenko

Who is he? He's a police officer who was formerly a marine. He moved to New Gothenburg with his husband, Alex, and became Evan Slater's police partner until Slater quit. He's half English, half American, but grew up in Manchester with his brother, Hayden, until he was 17 and sent to live with his father in Miami. When his husband drowns, he requires River Demchenko's expertise when the detectives make him a suspect.

Family: Hayden Paxton (little brother).

NG Police

New Gothenburg Residents


Brad Widstrom

Main Book: You've Got to be Kitten Me

Seen in: You've Got to be Kitten Me.

Partner: Harley Silvain

Who is he?  Brad is a kickball player and coach in his spare time who also enjoys being an owner to a pet--a human pet. He most recently started owning a cat for the first time--Harley.


Caleb Weston (West)

Main Book: The Promise

Seen in: The Promise, Bent, Not Broken, Curved & Yes, Sir.

Partner: Shane Pegoraro

Who is he?  He's a lawyer with a good heart. He lost his longterm partner, Carter, to cancer, which he and Carter's brother, Shane, had to deal with. He has started working for his friend, River and now represents The Kings of Men MC.


Carolyn Potter

Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: Mentioned in King's Criminals and makes an appearance in King's Pawn.

Partner: N/A.

Who is she?  She is Jester's sister and has always taken care of the Kings. She makes dinners for them and been good support. She was beaten by her ex-husband, who Charley Hughes killed in prison.

Family:  Jester (big brother)



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: Bent, Not Broken, Curved, & Yes, Sir.

Partner:  N/A.

Who is he?  He is Slater's ex-cop partner and now works at Slater's PI business. 



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: Love Me series & The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: N/A.

Who is he? Nurse at Walnut Creek Hospital who sells drugs to those who are sick.


Emerson Berent (Emmy)

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC & Bent, Not Broken.

Partner: Upcoming

Who are they?  A wait staff member at Grounds and Gears, a cafe owned by Red, a Harlot. Emmy is non-binary and goes by they.


Eugene Johnston (Destiny)

Main Book: King's Pawn

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series, & Yes, Sir.

Partner: Hayden Paxton (Bishop)

Who is he?  Destiny was imprisoned and that's how he meets Hayden. He was abused by his father and as payback for being the way he is, his father finds a way to send him to prison. He's a pretty man with long blond hair and often refers to himself in third person ("Destiny").

Family:  Dorian Johnston (father), & Mabel Johnston (big sister).



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: King's Undertaker & Yes, Sir.

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? He's a good little sub who's more than eager to make Doms proud. 


Harley Silvain

Main Book: You've Got to be Kitten Me

Seen in: You've Got to be Kitten Me.

Partner: Brad Widstrom

Who is he?  Harley is an actuary who actively participates in kitten play. He's a shy man who comes across as an asshole.


(Dr.) Ian Moore

Main Book: Love Me series

Seen in: Love Me series + King's Killer

Partner: Natasha Pfeiffer & Joel Turner

Who is he? Ian is a doctor at Walnut Creek Hospital. He's an asshole and likes to get others to do his work for him. He's friends with Grant Arthur and the partner of Tasha Pfeiffer and Joel Turner.


Jason Letty

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: King's Undertaker

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he?  He is Undertaker's cousin and helps around Undertaker's funeral home.

Family:  Undertaker (cousin).


Jaxson Bell (Jax)

Main Book: Staking His Claim

Seen in: Staking His Claim & Denial.

Partner: Jaxson 'Jax' Bell

Who is he?  jaxson is an intern at city hall who has slept his way up the ladder due to coming from a poor family. He sets his sights on Vane so he can go higher than being an intern. However, Vane's kink surprises him and soon interests him. He and Vane are now in a relationship.


Jean-Paul Dubois

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: Staking His Claim

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? Jean-Paul (JP) is the assistant to Vane, the deputy mayor of New Gothenburg. He's very good at his job and is very protective of Vane.


Joel Turner

Main Book: Love Me series

Seen in: Love Me series + King's Killer

Partner: Dr. Ian Moore & Tasha Pfeiffer.

Who is he?  He is a RN at Walnut Creek Hospital. He's basically a teddy bear. 

Family: Teddy Turner (Brother), Sherry Turner (Ma), Christine (Sister).


Joshua Hebb

Main Book: King's Rogue novella (The Kings of Men MC #1.5)

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Andrew Willoughby (Rogue)

Who is he?  He is a bartender at Sinful and has since taken over as the bartender at the Kings' clubhouse as an apology of selling drugs on their territory. He quite often changes the color of his hair to neon colors.

Family: Scar (big brother).


Lee Bisset

Main Book: King's Undertaker

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: Mortimer Wilson (Undertaker)

Who is he? He is formerly a Demon, but has since become a kept man for Undertaker. Right now, he has no direction in life other than helping Undertaker deal with business.


Mackenzie Byrnes

Main Book: King's Eyes

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series

Partner: Travis Hughes (Eyes)

Who is he?  He's a school teacher at New Gothenburg Prep and the partner of Travis. While he doesn't enjoy being around the biker club, he deals with it for Travis.


Madden Polunin

Main Book: Bent, Not Broken & Curved

Seen in: Bent, Not Broken, Curved, & Yes, Sir.

Partner: Evan Slater

Who is he? He's a junior lawyer at Demchenko, Weston, & Polunin. He quite often defends the Kings of Men MC and has since started a relationship with ex-cop Evan Slater. He's short and fun sized with lots of attitude.


Marshall Wallace

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series and Yes, Sir.

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? He's in charge of the hospital morgue. He had a crush on Undertaker and wasn't shy in showing it, but Undertaker had no interest in him.


Maxwell Kalinski

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: Staking His Claim

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he? Max was an intern along with Jaxson Bell. When he found out Jax and Vane were sleeping together, Max blackmailed Jax. When he felt like he wasn't getting any progress from the situation, he leaked to the media that Vane was gay.


Natasha Pfeiffer (Tasha)

Main Book: Love Me series.

Seen in: Love Me series.

Partner: Ian Moore and Joel Turner.

Who is she? She's a physician's assistant at Walnut Creek Hospital and the partner of Joel (nurse) and Ian (doctor).

Family: Aiden (Son).


Nicolette Manzi

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series.

Partner: Upcoming

Who is she?  She's the cousin of Charley and Travis who loves bikes as much as they do. She has a particular interest in the Harlots.

Family:  Charley Hughes (Cousin) & Travis Hughes (Cousin).



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: King's Eyes

Partner:  Upcoming

Who is she?  She's a teacher at New Gothenburg Prep.


Quain Beaumont

Main Book: King's Barber (coming soon)

Seen in: King's Pawn (The Kings of Men MC #4) & The Assassin (The Killough Company #3)

Partner: Luke Booth (Barber)

Who is he?  Quain is an undercover assassin who's currently keeping an eye on Barber for unknown reasons. He is part of The Society, an elite collection of assassins and hitmen.



River Demchenko

Main Book: Yes, Sir

Seen in: The Kings of Men MC series, & Bent, Not Broken.

Partner: Jayce Paxton

Who is he?  He's the lawyer who keeps the Kings out of prison. He's snarky and likes to show his wealth.


Shane Pegoraro

Main Book: The Promise

Seen in: The Promise

Partner: Caleb 'West' Weston

Who is he?  He's a college student who studied psychology. He lost his brother, Carter, to cancer and was picked up for public drinking after his brother's death. He had to stay sober as part of the conditions of staying out of prison.


Sweetie Donovan

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: King's Undertaker (The Kings of Men MC #5).

Partner: Upcoming

Who is he?  A man seven times Lee's size who had the biggest, poutiest dick sucking lips he’d ever seen. He's into the Dom/sub life.


Vane Elwood

Main Book: Staking His Claim

Seen in: Staking His Claim & Denial.

Partner: Jaxson 'Jax' Bell

Who is he?  Vane is the deputy mayor of New Gothenburg. He has a strange kink that usually scares men off, so he preferred to hire professionals until he met Jaxson.



NG Residents
The Norse Lords MC

the norse lords mc



Damian Hyatt (Hoor)

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: The Assassin.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Hoor is the son of Odin. He's blind and has been since he was born.

Family: Israel Hyatt (Father).


Falcon Leith (Bor)

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: The Assassin.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  An African American man, with a bushy beard. Ardan Murphy fucked him then killed his brother in the past.


Israel Hyatt (Odin)

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: The Assassin, High.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Odin is the president of the Norse Lords MC. He's the iron fist of Pleasant Beach and no one is allowed to hurt another person within Pleasant Beach without his say so. He's very well respected within the organized crime syndicates and doesn't choose sides.

Family: Damian Hyatt (Son).


Loki Ward

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: The Assassin.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Loki's father was one of the first Lords, and him and his wife died when Loki was a kid. Odin took him in. He's having a secret relationship with Thor.

Family: Israel Hyatt (Like his adopted father). Damian Hyatt (Like his brother).


Santiago García Reyes (Fenrir)

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: 

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Santiago is a hitman for the Norse Lords MC, and he's very loyal to the president of his club, Odin. He's Ardan Murphy's ex-lover and the cousin of Mexican cartel boss, Thiago Reyes. He decided not to join the cartel though and chose to be a biker instead.

Family: María García De García (Mother) Noa García Reyes (Sister), Catalina García Reyes (Sister), Josefina García Reyes (Sister), Rosa Montero De Reyes (Aunt), Thiago Reyes Montero (Cousin), Arlo Reyes Montero (Cousin), Eduardo Herrera (Uncle), Yolanda Reyes De Herrera (Aunt), Rafael Herrera Reyes (Cousin), Joaquin Herrera Reyes (Cousin), Tadeo Herrera Reyes (Cousin), Pasqual Reyes Rodríguez (Cousin), Felice Reyes Rodríguez (Cousin), Marcellino Reyes Rodríguez (Cousin).


Tobias Langley (Thor)

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: The Assassin.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Thor is the vice president of the Norse Lords MC. He's having a secret relationship with Loki.


the killough company


Ardan Murphy

Main Book: The Assassin.

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: Gabriel Mancini.

Who is he?  An assassin for The Killough Company. He's quiet and a successful killer. He is also an alcoholic and made a mistake that Sloan, uncharacteristically, forgave him for, but he knew that if he made another mistake like that again, Sloan would kill him.


Brendan Curran

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Lieutenant in Sloan's mob


Conall Morrissey

Main Book: The Boss

Seen in: The Killough Company series, Sinner's Ransom, King's Killer, King's Undertaker, High.

Partner: Sloan Killough

Who is he?  Conall was a co-provocateur of The Exotic Virtue before Sloan Killough arrives at the Virtue claiming Conall as his. Conall is now the pet of the Irish mob boss and now runs the brothels across NYC.

Family: Terrance Morrissey (Brother).


Daire Reardon

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Sloan's right hand man and best friend. Sloan believes he's sleeping with Fionn.


Donal McMahon

Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: N/A

Who is he?  Lieutenant of Sloan's mob. He is one of the few Sloan trusts with his life and he was Sloan's father’s best friend.



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: N/A

Who is he?  He was tortured in the past by Sloan until Sloan decided he liked his loyalty and befriended him. Put in charge of rescue mission for Conall and took a bullet in the shoulder during the mission saving Conall's life. He helped Stone kidnap Montgomery Booker in order to get back at Montgomery's father.


(Mr.) Hopper

Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: N/A

Who is he?  He's Sloan's butler and the ears to the mansion.


Jamie Shannon

Main Book: King's Virtuous Son

Seen in: The Killough Company series, King's Virtuous Son.

Partner: Hunter Tanner

Who is he?  Lieutenant of illegal operations. He was raised in Northern Ireland until he’d come to the US when he was sixteen and joined the company. Before being a lieutenant, he was an enforcer for Sloan's father


Lorcan Lee

Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: N/A

Who is he?  Chief Advisor to Sloan, but he was only in that position because Sloan's father had asked that Lorcan have that position on his death bed. He is possibly Sloan's half brother because Niall Killough had an affair with Lorcan's mother. Lorcan doesn't know about the affair though.



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: Mentioned in The Boss, The Boss's Christmas, and The Professional.

Partner: N/A.

Who is he?  The former manager of escort services (the brothels). Conall has since taken over. Conall doesn't know what happened to him and doesn't want to know, although Sloan did say he was 'demoted'.



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: The Boss.

Partner: N/A

Who is he?  Terrance and Conall's boss at the beginning of the Boss.



Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: Mentioned in The Boss.

Partner: N/A.

Who is he?  Mentioned very briefly. “Rafferty’s just a pawn. He’s not even a general.”


Ronan O'Keefe

Main Book: Upcoming.

Seen in: The Killough Company series, High.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  He went to high school with Conall and is now Conall's bodyguard after he defended Conall when he was kidnapped.


Rourke Tormey

Main Book: The Professional

Seen in: The Killough Company series, King's Undercover Fed, King's Virtuous Son.

Partner: Forrest Brassard.

Who is he?  He is now the provocateur of The Exotic Virtue. He used to do shady things for Sloan that he refuses to talk about to his partner, Forrest. He is a very dangerous man.


Sloan Killough

Main Book: The Boss

Seen in: The Killough Company series, Sinner's Ransom, King's Killer, King's Rogue, King's Undertaker, High.

Partner: Conall Morrissey

Who is he?  Sloan is an Irish mob boss who runs the East Coast with drugs and weapons. He's dangerous, and not many people are brave enough to mess with him. He runs brothels around NYC as well.

Family: Niall Killough (Father - Deceased), Eoin Killough (Brother - Deceased), Fionn Killough (Nephew).


Tad Leenock

Main Book: Secondary Character

Seen in: The Boss.

Partner: N/A.

Who is he?  Tad is the provocateur at The Leisure Train. His father owed the mob money and his mother whored herself out to the soldiers. He's a kiss ass and does everything to make Sloan happy. He got a promotion in The Professional.

The Killough Company

the exotic virtue



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Killough Company series, King's Virtuous Son.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Angel is a professional who has been at the Virtue the longest. He's suspected of warming Conall and Terrance's dad's bed when he ran the Virtue, but Angel has confirmed this.


Forrest Brassard

Main Book: The Professional

Seen in: The Killough Company series, King's Undercover Fed, King's Virtuous Son.

Partner: Rourke Tormey

Who is he?  Forrest was once the high earner at The Exotic Virtue before he was promoted to Head of Professional Affairs, a mediator between the provocateur and the professionals.

Family: Aaron Arthur (Father), Grant Arthur (uncle), and Hunter Tanner (twin brother).



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Jagger is a professional at the Exotic Virtue. He's a twink that many man use as their 'boy'. Forrest let Jagger use his shower when he was a professional and they were as friendly as two professionals could be with each other.



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Ryder is a professional at the Exotic Virtue. Before Forrest was promoted, Ryder was the second highest earner. He and Forrest were enemies and Ryder tends to steal clients from other professionals.



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Killough Company series, King's Virtuous Son.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Sam is the receptionist at the Exotic Virtue.



Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Killough Company series.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Shell is a new professional at the Exotic Virtue. He joined after Forrest was promoted to Head of Professional Affairs. He moved to NYC from Los Angeles with his boyfriend, who then cheated on him, leaving him nowhere to go. He has an uncanny resemblance to Forrest, so much so that he could almost be Forrest and Hunter's twin. He's definitely a doppelganger to them.


Terrance Morrissey

Main Book: Upcoming

Seen in: The Killough Company series, King's Virtuous Son.

Partner: Upcoming.

Who is he?  Terrance is the former co-provocateur of the Exotic Virtue, but he didn't do a good job. He was transferred to The Leisure Train in Hell's Kitchen. However, he returned to The Exotic Virtue for unknown reasons.

Family: Conall Morrissey (Brother).




The Exotic Virtue

© 2019 - 2023 M.D. Gregory (Meg Bawden) & Ki Brightly

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